Episode 52: Home Alone

Keep the change, ya filthy animal. It’s the month of December which means it’s time to cover holiday movies here on Cinemavention and we begin with the film Home Alone and Samuel Lewis of The Samcast Network is here to talk about it. This movie has arguably stood the test of time and is the most successful Christmas movie in the box office. It would take 21 years for this movie to be dethroned as the highest grossing live-action comedy film, not just Christmas live-action comedy films. Why is this movie so timeless? Plus, Willie believes that Buzz’s apology to Kevin isn’t sincere and has modern technology made it impossible to remake this film?

Home Alone (franchise) – Wikipedia
Is ‘Angels With Filthy Souls’ Real? – The Story Behind Home Alone’s Fake Gangster Movie
Home Alone: Macaulay Culkin Google Assistant Parody – YouTube
Idiots Test Hydrogen (with Macaulay Culkin) – YouTube
Solving a Crime with Bloodstain Analysis (feat. Macaulay Culkin) – YouTube

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The Samcast Network

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Music from https://filmmusic.io
“Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)